You’ve probably seen a pool that looks like it would make a happy home for a frog.
You know the kind: They’re green, slimy, and you can’t see the bottom.
Especially if you ever plan on selling your home and want to get a respectable return on your significant investment.
There are some tasks that you can do each week that will keep your swimming pool from ever becoming a dwelling for a pre-kiss Prince Charming.
Put the leaf net to work
At least once a week you should be using your leaf skimmer to collect leaves, bugs, and other debris that you see floating in the pool and on the surface.
If you remove the junk before it settles on the bottom, you’ll save yourself a tougher clean later – as well as prevent staining.

Brush, brush, brush
Dirt that has collected on the sides and bottom of your pool needs to be brushed off. Try to brush the grime toward the pool’s main drain so that it will be easier to do away with.
Be thorough!
Use the vacuum
You’ll use the underwater vacuum in order to suck up all the gunk that you brushed off the sides and at the bottom of your pool.
Make sure the vacuum head and hose are completely submerged before the vacuum is connected to the filter.
Empty the skimmer basket
Removing the leaves and debris that have been collected by your skimmer will keep it working to its maximum efficiency.
This job should be done on an as-needed basis, but at least once a week. Windy days or storms may require you to empty the skimmer more frequently.
Keep up with the water circulation
This includes the filter, skimmer, pump, pump strainer and drains.
Your pool’s water circulation system is important because it’s what keeps the water filtered and helps to keep the chemicals at proper levels. This job should be done each day, letting the pump run long enough that it successfully filters the water.

Check the filter
The filter works to get dirt and debris out of the swimming pool’s water, keeping it clean and clear.
There are three different kinds of filters that are the most popular. These are sand, cartridge, and vertical grid DE. Refer to your owner’s manual in order to determine the proper maintenance for your specific type of filter or ask a pool professional what will work best for your situation.
Give it a shock
If you use your pool frequently, you may want to test the water each day. If your use is more sporadic, you can get away with testing it on a weekly basis.
Depending on what information the testing gives you and the manufacturer’s directions, your pool will need regular shock treatments to keep algae at bay, as well as any other dirt, debris, and unwanted gunk.
What can a well-maintained pool do?
There are a few advantages that can be gained from a swimming pool that has been well taken care of.
It’s safe for your family and friends. Nobody will want to swim in your pool if it’s full of dirt, nor is it safe or healthy for anyone to do so.
Improve the resale value of your home. The condition of the pool is the biggest factor in determining if it will be a help or hindrance to a sale. A pool that has been kept in pristine shape will be a selling point for the right family.
Provide a perfect spot for a staycation. When your pool is in good working order, you’ll look forward to taking time off from the daily grind to do some lounging with your family.
A pool that’s been properly maintained will bring years of enjoyment and sweet memories for you and your loved ones.
Do you miss any of these regular maintenance steps when caring for your pool?